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UpgradeVariations of the logo designed for all backgrounds.
Navy Blue
White on Dark backgrounds
HEX: #283E53
RGB: R40 G62 B83
CMYK: C91 M76 Y50 K30
HEX: #0071ce
RGB: R167 G169 B172
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K40
RGB: R255 G255 B255
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K0
Showing the correct space to allow between the logo and any other items on the page. Use the width of a single column as guidance.
85x55 landscape with 3mm bleed
Left: 14mm
Right: 7mm
Bottom: 7mm
1. Front
Company Logo
Depending on company logo proportion accordingly
Company Logo
Top Alignment: 3.5mm
Logo Height: 13mm
3. Contact Details
Bottom alignment: 3.5mm
Name: Kumbh Sans, Capitals, 12pt, spacing 140
Title: Kumbh Sans, Capitals, 7pt, spacing 140
Gap between title and contact details: 7mm
Contact Details: Kumbh Sans 7pt
4. Line
Length: 46mm sitting between 7mm gap spacing
Left: 14mmRight: 7mm
Bottom: 7mm
1. Company Logo
baseline height: 33mm
ascender-height: 11mm
2. Company Address
Bottom alignment: 7mm
Company name: Kumbh Sans light 7.815pt Blue
Company address: Kumbh Sans light 7.815pt Blue
Leading: 11pt Maximum address lines: 5
3. Company General Contact Details
Bottom alignment: 7mm
4. Legal Information
Bottom alignment: 7mm
5. Certification Logos
Right alignment
Use grayscale versions whenever possible
Left: 14mmRight: 7mm
Bottom: 7mm
1. Company Logo
baseline height: 33mm
ascender-height: 11mm
2. Company Address
Bottom alignment: 7mm
Company name: Kumbh Sans light 7.815pt Blue
Company address: Kumbh Sans light 7.815pt Blue
Leading: 11pt Maximum address lines: 5
3. Company General Contact Details
Bottom alignment: 7mm
4. Legal Information
Bottom alignment: 7mm
5. Certification Logos
Right alignment
Use grayscale versions whenever possible